Product information

Product information

Specification sheet

I. Description of the food product

1. Name
GERO-DEX Glucose Drink for Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)

2. Ingredients
Water, sugar (glucosum anhydricum), acidity regulator: citric acid, flavoring

3. Chemical-physical characteristics

4. Sensory characteristics
Appearance: Transparent liquid
Scent: Harmonious lemon scent typical of the product and the ingredients used.
Taste: Harmonious flavor profile typical of the product and the ingredients. Sour, lemon aroma with a sweet taste.
Texture: Watery liquid consistency

5. Shelf life of the food product
24 months (2 years) from the date of manufacture.
The expiration date is found on the bottom of the bottle (month/year).

6. Special storage conditions for the food product
Storage and consumption: Store in a cool place, protected from sunlight. Shake well before opening. After opening, it is recommended to consume within 30 minutes.


II. Labeling and packaging of the food product

Individual packaging: 250 ml / aluminum bottle
Bulk packaging: 24 units / shrink wrap

III. Declarations

1. Allergens

2. GMO Declaration
In accordance with EU Regulations 1829/2003 and 1830/2003, the product is not subject to GMO labeling.

3. Trans Fat Content Declaration
In compliance with the Hungarian EMMI Decree 71/2013 (X.20), the product meets the requirements regarding trans fat content.

4. Other Declarations
During the production of the food, GMP/GHP guidelines were adhered to.
The traceability of the product is ensured by a unique identification number.
The product contains no animal-derived ingredients and is therefore classified as vegan.
According to the manufacturer’s and supplier’s declarations, the provided information is accurate and truthful.


Test Report

The testing of GERO-DEX was conducted by Mertcontrol Élelmiszervizsgáló Ltd.

Marketing materials

The GERO-DEX flyer is available for download in PDF format.